Lit by Gill and Anna Stewart-Jamieson 4th February 2022
We light a candle for you, to remind ourselves to not only be kind to others but to ourselves…. Tim i have a load of things to thank you for. But my main reason I light a candle is because my daughter lost her dad in nov 2017, when you found this out my mam was with us he asked who my mam was even though he could see who she was he took my daughter to the side after calling someone to man the desk for him he told us that he was very sorry to hear our news an then my daughter said that she was giving up dance as she was finding things hard and dance comps was one of them, the team she danced with won a lot of trophies and us knowing that she was giving it up we caught Tim we asked if we could buy trophies for the dances that she and the team won and he looked up what dances an category’s she had been in, he told us they weren’t cheap but I didn’t care how much they were! Tim didn’t disappoint he went and collected the trophies brought them back to her, Tim handed each one to my daughter he then gave her a hug, an told her if she wanted to dance/sing then all she had to do was go independent and then contact him when she was ready. The trophies have pride of place in her room and she really cherishes them, all because Tim gave her them… Thank you Tim for all the comps we went through with you and the love and support you showed my daughter at her most vulnerable, you told her get that pretty face on and dance as if her dad was in the crowd, Tim was so welcoming my mam was taken aback when he hugged her.. I had to tell her that he showed everyone with much love and always smiled at everyone, greeted us with such energy he light up the room. Much love to your family an friends.
This candle went out on 4th March 2022.