A Force of Nature

Created by Drew 2 years ago

Where do I start? 

The energy, the positivity, the refusal to quit, the humility.  He really had 'been there', done it and got the t-shirt, yet would only tell you about his past achievements if you insisted.

His greatest attribute was 'being Tim Noble' yet he consistently undersold himself in a market where selling yourself is a given.  Fortunately, that energy, positivity and charisma compensated and this radiated, reaching everyone who came into contact with him.  

He wore his heart on his sleeve and all the better for it; what you saw was what you got.  Sometimes it was not what people expected but it was always honest and heartfelt.  Sitting in the centre of row 2 at Saddlers Wells at the end of a ballet, there was a one-man 'standing ovation' right next to me.  It had to be Timmy!! The ballet crowd didn't quite appreciate it but Timmy had to show HIS appreciation to the dancers on stage taking their bows.  

He was truly unique and the world is a poorer place without him.  As he always ended our phone calls...'love ya man!'


